More History
Mr Joseph Ellul is a very special person. He has been alongside SKSM for many years and still is to-date. Mr Ellul was in the printing profession and in the past years he was SKSMs Public Relations Officer (PRO) and also Editor of SKSM newsletter 'FOCUS', the name of which was then changed to ‘KIME’. Later on he was assigned the role of General Secretary, however, he could never stop doing those extra miles for SKSM. His great efforts never ceased as years rolled by and his determination in making sure that SKSM was well taken care of was remarkable. His motto was (and still is):
Where there is a WILL, there is always a WAY!
Mr Ellul is a very smart and energetic person whose positive character compels one to get to stay in his company. His kindness and willingness to help others in need are outstanding and his contribution to society is beyond anyone can imagine. Mr Ellul is very self- disciplined and serious in his work, however, he has a great sense of humour and is always ready for a laugh. During SKSM activities he was always one of those few who started to encourage others to participate in the fun. Besides lending a helping hand with the organisation in SKSMs events, he is also involved in organisational committees for the elderly - impressive!
SKSM is very proud to have Mr Ellul on the team - he works really hard with Sensei Chris during the Malta Open Championships. He has been doing so since 2003 and has always done his best to be present for such prestigious Events - as such events require intense preparations. Mr Ellul's positive character has always had a soothing effect during the stressful moments of these Championships and his encouragement has always made its way felt all the way through. His patience and determination in finishing tasks at hand and on time, not to mention the accuracy of it, is worthy of praise.
We wish Mr Ellul all the best and we all thank him for his continuous support and efforts in helping SKSM continue on its road to success!
Mr Joseph Magri was one of our Teachers' students, a respectful and loyal person. His loyalty was one to be admired and the support he has given SKSM during its initial phases of existence cannot pass unforgotten. Being mature and well trained by our Teachers, Mr Magri made sure to give his best as an official during SKSM Events, which at that time were on a much smaller scale but already with a certain taste for good organisation and preparedness.
We would like to thank Mr Magri for his services even though most of us do not remember him. It is only through our Teachers that we get to know about such wonderful persons - persons who have worked so hard for SKSM. We wish Mr Magri all the best!