What are parents saying?
For these past three years, our son has been training Karate at SKSM and we are very satisfied and happy with how much dedication SKSM teachers (Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne) teach everyone. My son counts the days for his next Karate session. We are very proud of whom our son is becoming thanks to SKSM. We would recommend any parent who is looking for a Karate school for their children to consider SKSM for they will not regret it.
Mr & Mrs Frendo
At a very young age, my son Waylon was very much interested in learning a sports which involved self-defence. Having searched all sites and asked my friends for recommendations, I was given the name of SKSM as the best place to enrol my son. This was in September 2016 and my son is now 9 years old. I am happy to say that I could not have made a better decision. SKSM has taught my son how to appreciate what others do for him, what the values of life really mean (as at SKSM these values are put into practice), respect others and himself and understand better why we; as his parents; make certain decisions which are really for his own benefit. Waylon has matured since then and Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne have helped him greatly how to tackle bullying problems wisely, especially at school. I am very proud of my son – I can really trust him as he is developing a strong character and is thus becoming more responsible. All these qualities being developed thanks to 2 highly dedicated professional teachers whom you will find only at SKSM. My husband and I are really grateful to you Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne and we thank you wholeheartedly! xx
Mrs Grima
We are so proud that our 12 year old daughter and 9 year old son form part of SKSM. We say that they ‘form part’ of it rightly so because SKSM groups together all the students to form one big happy school of karate! But what makes SKSM so interesting and so much fun to go to? With a spacious and safe environment, without any doubt we acknowledge the fact that one of the most important aspects at SKSM is its teachers – Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne, who inspire students to make their journey through karate a lifelong experience, they make it become a quest for continuous self-improvement. Both Senseis love what they do and they transmit their passion onto their students – from young ones up to adults. They both have a deep knowledge of karate and it took them years of dedication, training, study and competition behind the techniques they show in class. At the same time, they share with their students to inspire them to work harder; they motivate them and challenge them to do their best in every lesson.
For the students nothing feels better than receiving recognition for all their hard work and being shown respect. It is this mutual respect that helps students develop the best of their abilities. Both Senseis understand the importance of learning from their students regardless of skill level and everyone is on the road to self-improvement regardless of whether they are slow or fast learners. Senseis know how to have fun and even though honour and respect are principles that evoke a certain aura of seriousness, they know that fun, discipline and being serious are the ‘ingredients’ for maintaining students’ attention and understanding. Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne are both energetic, tireless and know when to laugh or tell a joke; they are a good example for their students and their son Andrew is a proof to this! Thank you so much.
Elsa & Reuben
Hi! My name is Marco, and my son is now 17 years old. Liam started training karate with SKSM at the age of 5 under the guidance of Sensei Chris. Even though young, Liam always enjoyed his Karate lessons at SKSM – at that age students are given games and some basic techniques. As they grow older, Karate techniques increase. At that time, Liam attended 2-3 lessons per week and he always waited eagerly for his Karate training. Apart from learning karate, students at SKSM learn values for their lives and they learn also how to build a strong character. I have observed my son throughout the years and the change I have noticed was remarkable – I have witnessed how SKSMs teachings have taught my son to be strong, to value life, to show respect, to be loyal… I have been abroad with Liam and SKSM members for competition about 15 times and Liam has always given his best and earned a medal for SKSM every time, thanks to the training given to him by Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne. Every time I have been involved in groups for training and competitions abroad, I can say that we have always been one family and it is a pleasure to see all students caring for one another; medals are a bonus, it is the character which counts. For this I would like to thank Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne for their dedication in teaching and caring for all SKSM students and I encourage other parents to enroll their children for Karate at SKSM. I have watched my son grow strong over these past 12 years of training at SKSM and the self-discipline and values he has learned have remained with him throughout his childhood and now, teenage. Personally, I have also learned a lot since my involvement as a parent at SKSM and once again I take this opportunity to thank Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne for their patience and the commitment they show with all SKSM members. Thank you!
My son has definitely benefited from attending SKSM as he has become physically fitter and more self-confident. Most importantly he is learning team work in a friendly environment. SKSM varies lessons so that our children are never bored. SKSM offers opportunities to all its members to participate in competitions both locally and abroad. For me, having qualified teachers to teach my son is a great asset because he is being taught this discipline holistically, not just the Karate techniques, fighting techniques and skills and self-defence but also lessons in life which I know, will help him reach his full potential.
Mrs Camilleri
I am very satisfied and happy with how much dedication SKSM does its job. My son Mauro counts the days, hours and minutes till he has his next karate session. He is much more disciplined and active than he used to be. He is focusing more on his ambitions. Thank you Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne and Sempais for the love and support that you give to my son!
Mrs Mifsud
For these past three years, our son has been training Karate at SKSM. We have seen a big improvement both in his attitude and concentration. We chose Karate because it is considered to be a very disciplinary sport as rules have to be followed, thus helping to build a strong character. We found all this at SKSM. Both Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne are highly experienced and qualified and show great dedication, respect and discipline to all students. Apart from all this, another choice for students offered by SKSM is taking part in competitions. SKSM has a great success story and is still achieving impressive results in competitions locally and abroad.
Mrs Portelli
This is one of my favourite… SKSM presents all students with great opportunities and challenges. It gives them the opportunity to grow and fulfil their dreams and make loads of friends from Malta and from all over the world – amazing! Thanks to two great teachers - Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne- who both show great commitment and love towards each student, SKSM has become a second home for our son. Thank you so much! We feel involved a lot for we can be present in our son’s competitions, training, and activities organised by SKSM, making friends along the way.
We attend competitions with our son abroad because SKSM gives us the opportunity to do so. We are able to see our son grow healthy physically and mentally and in a wonderful team. SKSM teaches its members to grow responsible, foster life values and learn discipline. Our son is learning how to tackle situations in life while growing up. Our involvement as parents has shown our son that we really care for him. Being part of a great team for the Malta Open Championships has been overwhelming. SKSM is definitely the place for anyone (children and adults) who wishes to learn karate in the most professional way and under the care of dedicated leaders.
Mrs Muscat
Six years ago, my eldest son Zack wished to start training some type of martial arts. A friend of our family suggested SKSM. On having followed the advice, Zack’s first lesson at SKSM resulted in a positive one – he felt so welcomed and was so happy that from then onwards he was taught by both senseis at his own pace. Zack benefited greatly at SKSM - respect, self-confidence, self-discipline, honest friendship and a caring attitude – the list goes on! My other two sons, who are younger than Zack, wanted at all cost to follow their Big brother and honestly, I feel very lucky to have all 3 sons part of this fantastic team – SKSM. Just as the Motto says ‘ SKSM – Education with a Difference’ is 100% true and I know that my sons are learning Karate under professionally qualified and dedicated teachers.
Mrs Pace Cauchi
When we joined SKSM, we did not know what we were in for to tell you the truth. We just thought that it will be just like any other sports for our son. This was 7 years ago. Apart from having made so many friends, we have discovered a whole new family. Our son grew so much in so many ways …
With his ADHD he struggled to focus but thanks to the methods used by Sensei Chris, Sensei Lucienne and Sempai Andrew, my son can now, not only focus but challenge himself to being a better person. Of course thanks goes also to the rest of the sempais at SKSM. At SKSM children and adults not only learn Karate, but also discipline, confidence, self-control and self-defence, and most importantly RESPECT.
My son, like the rest of the members (including me – I started training myself) , has been given so many opportunities – compete in Malta and also abroad, take part in seminars … and many other occasions. So far, it has been an amazing experience and we are looking forward for more. We are very proud of whom are son is becoming thanks to SKSM. I will always recommend SKSM – not only to my friends and family, but to anyone who wants their child or themselves to grow in many different ways.
Mrs Spiteri
I am a mother of 4 where 3 of my children attend SKSM. My eldest, who is now 17 years old, has been attending for the past 6 years. Since then, she has achieved a lot – not just karate techniques and skills but the life – long skills most needed in life, mainly: respect, friendship, self-control and much more. My other 2 children are 12 and 7 years old and they attend each of their training sessions with enthusiasm and willingness which they had shown during their first training session.
They always come home saying how fun the lesson was! They also come home exhausted which is also good … for me it means that they trained hard and with great effort! Karate at SKSM is helping my children in many aspects; keeping healthy and fit, self-discipline, self-defence, and respect as already mentioned. Both Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne are wonderful with children and adults and they work hard with dedication. Being SKSM members, my children are also given opportunities to compete abroad as well as competing locally at very high level competitions. I would recommend any parent who is looking for physical and/ or socializing activities for their children to consider SKSM for they will not regret it. 🙂
Mrs Camilleri
SKSM for me is not only a school or a team but it is a FAMILY. SKSM not only taught Karate to my son but taught him also to win and lose with responsibility - not let him get big – headed and not let him feel a failure. SKSM has taught my son to share with his friends and cheer each other’s success, not to be jealous of each other and to be strong in character. It is also preparing my son for the outside world which contains both positive and negative aspects and has offered him and still is, wonderful opportunities in life which he will surely treasure. Competition is also part of the package at SKSM. SKSMs dedication in teaching Karate and skills for life – caring for one another, being honest, friendship and loyalty, are what will help my son grow up into a man well prepared for today’s society.
My son used to like martial arts since a young age and it was always his decision to choose a sport. He used to train Jiu-Jitsu but his preference shifted to Karate. Our choice was SKSM and starting at such a young age we made sure that his senseis were professional, I mean qualified teachers – I will never regret our choice for SKSM. With the training given at SKSM, our son became much more disciplined. He was offered opportunities to go to seminars and compete both in Malta and abroad. He started training in St Paul’s Bay, which at that time was one of the localities where SKSM taught – after a few years SKSM became stationed at Mosta.
Both my son’s senseis respected and loved him. The care, respect and loyalty shown at SKSM are unique. These qualities helped my son grow not only physically, but he has grown up to be a man with a strong character. At SKSM he made a lot of friends. We respect both Sensei Chris and Sensei Lucienne a lot – we have watched SKSM grow and I wish the best of luck. God Bless!
Mrs Bartolo